Parking Committee_October 1974 to June 1979PARKING COMMITTEE
Council Parking Committee reactivated -
appointments as follows:
Councilman Dr. Leonard Haber
Mayor Harold Rosen
At suggestion of Councilman Dr. Haber, Mayor 5/4/77
Rosen reactivated the Parking Committee (com-
prised of himself and Councilman Dr. Haber)to
discuss complaint of Arthur Godfrey Road Assn.
that they are encountering problems in creat-
ing a viable commercial area because of lack
of off-street municipal parking facilities,
and arranged a meeting with City Mgr. for
Thursday, May 5, 1977, to discuss the matter.
Administration directed to invite the41st St.
Association to make a presentation of their
plans for upgrading that area before Council,
to enable Council to show its support of their
efforts. The City Mgr. set the item for
June 22 1977 at 2:30 p.m.
Mayor Haber appointed Commissioners Malek and
Weinstein to serve on the Committee.
Memo #7104, selection, appraisal, and nego-
tiation for site for location of Metered Park-
ing Div. Action deferred, pending additional
review by Administration and members of
(continued) Date
Commission Parking Committee. Report submission
to Commission at an early date. Commissioner
Weinstein requested that City Atty. and Admini-
stration develop guidelines relative to acqui-
sition or leasing of property; i.e., appointment
of real estate consultant and appraisers, etc.
(See Parking System) 9/20/78
Commissioner Weinstein requested Administration 6/6/79
and 41st St. Revitalization Committee to again
consider importance and cost of installing side-
walk overhangs for weather protection. He also
requested Administration to submit a report as to
whether the recommended additional off-street
parking would be self-sustaining. Commissioners