Parking Of Automobiles_December 1971 to February 1972PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES requested to submjt definite recom- mendations on methods and manner of funding. Precast decorative panels for 42nd St. parking garage. Award of contract deferred, with City Mgr. requested to explore other less expensive methods of beautifying the facility. City Mgr. also requested to explore methods of beautifying South side of the structure in an inexpensive manner. (con't. card #248) 247 Meeting date 12-8-71 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 248 Meeting date City Mgr. requested to explore pos sibi1ity re turning off lights on upper floors at reasonable hour in p.m., when not in use. (Complaints from neighbors.) 12-22-71 Council APPROVED final payment to Perini Corp. & deduct $5,000 therefrom in settlement of City's complaint re- lative to variations in height of structure. 12-22-71 Discussion re parking garage construction on S. side of 17th St. City Mgr. will return with recommendations. City Mgr. (con't. card #249) PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES 249 Meeting date advised there would be funds expended in connection with the analysis to bee made. 12-22-71 $7,250 from Parking Revenue bond fund approp- riated for improvement of lot at 1777 Meridian for parking.$28,536.98 appropriated fromsame fund for lots previously constructed for GOP Nat'l. Convention 2/2/72