Parking Of Automobiles (Off-Street Parking)_August to November 1972PARKING or AUTOMOBILES (OFF-STREET PARKING) ....256 Meeting Councilman Magnes asked that a second appraisal of lots on 42nd St. (2 lots) be made bef3re any action is taken by Council. 8/16/72 Re: 42nd St., Lots 1 & 2, Block 6, Mr. Bennett reported negotiations with owners had failed, and City Attorney will proceed with condemna- tion proceedings as authorized 9/6/72. 10/4/72 Res. No. 13776 adopted directing City Atty. to proceed with condemnation proceedings. 10/4/72 Councilman Greene proposed there be a large sign erected on bldg. giving parking rates, and other signs on 41 St. re: garage. 10/4/72 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (OFF-STREET PARKING) 257 Councilman Greene proposed Administration explore further the matter of ornamental improvements to structure at oostlower than previously determined. 10/4/72 Councilman Greene proposed City Mgr. contact firms to do Master Parking plan study and report to Council. 10/4/72 Vice Mayor Goodman requested Administration to review appropriateness of rates charged for parking; and question of lighting at night Of parts of structure not in use. 10/4/72 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (OFF-STREET PARKING) 257 Meeting Date Request of M.B.Branch of U.S.Postal Service to lease 25 metered parking spaces for Washington Ave. P.O. employees in Zones 17X and 17A, Collins & 13 St. for 6 mo -term starting 11/1/72 ending 4/30/73 at $275 mo. with option of a renewal for an add'l. yr. at $212.50 approved. RES. no. 13799 for execution of lease Recommendation approved that an expenditure of a sum not to exceed $415,000from the Surplus Fund of the Metered Parking System, for upgrading of lighting in54 of City's off- street parking areas with Lucalox lights be authorized. Note: Mayor Hall's request that he and City Mgr. survey some streets for trial 11/1/72