Parking Of Automobiles (Off-Street Parking)_November 1972 to April 1973PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (OFF-STREET PARKING) 25$ Meeting Council approved recommendation of City M r. that Administration be authorized to enter into negotiations with consultants for the Parking Facilities study. Councilman Weinstein proposed the negotiations for consultant for study and design be handled separately so that no one is tied into any future contract. It was also proposed that study include all present off-street parking facilities 11/15/72 11/15/72 11/15/72 PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (OFF-STREET PARKING 258A Meeting Dal Lucalox light installations met with no objections.1/3/73 Res. 73-13896, adopted, authorizing for the 2/7/73 M. B. 1st National Bank an extension of current lease for 6 months, as of 2/17/73 to 8/16/73, for $2,500. Bank needs 6 mos. to complete plans. PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (OFF-STREET PARKING) 259 Meeting Day RES. 73-13901 adopted,'authorizing employment of Wilbur Smith & Assoc. to make parking study Part 11 - 41 St. Corridor, $18,738.00. An appropriation of this amount was authorized from Metered Pkg. System Surplus Funds. 2/7/73 City Mgr. requested by Councilman Weinstein and Vice Mayor Goodman, to study and report back to Council re: providing additional parking in area of 46th St., as a top priority. 2/21/73 Memo 3973 lease of parking spaces to U.S.Postal Serv. Exercise of option to renew. A.y.3-/5f72 4/11/73 Memo 3971 Appropriation o $62,000 for develop- ment of parking area on east side of West Ave. south of Lincoln Rd. from Parking Rev. Bonds. 4/11/73