Parking Of Automobiles (Off-Street Parking)_September to October 1974PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES OFF-STREET PARKIN 266
Meet i na Date
Public Hearing called for 10/16/74 at 9/4/74
3:30 p.m., to consider proposal that City
acquire Lot 1, Blk 2, Orchard Sub. 4, for
municipal and off-street parking purposes.
Proposal of Mr. Barton Goldberg and the
Jefferson National Bank on 8/21/74.
Request by Admin. to proceed with selection
of architects to design Double -Deck Parking
Facility for Off -Street Parking Lot 19X at
Collins Ave & 46th St. Not reached, deferred
to 9/11/74.
Meeting Date
Request by Admin. to proceed with selec- 9/11/74
tion of architects to design double -deck
parking facility for off-street parking
Lot 19X at Collins Ave., & 46th St.,
approved. V.M. Meyerson requested the
Admin. to furnish him with background
report on past considerations of double -
decking this area.
PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (Off -Street Parking) 268
Hearing concluded, re: consideration of pro- 10/16/74
posal by Mr. Barton Goldberg and Jefferson
National Bank that the City acquire Lot 1,
Block 2, Orchard Subdivision No. 4, for
Municipal and Off -Street Parking purposes.
Action on proposal held in abeyance and pro-
posal referred to Planning Brd. and Council
Parking Committee for broad range consideration
as it relates to the development of municipally -
owned properties on Pine Tree Drive and future
development of Arthur Godfrey Road, with in-
struction that minutes of this public hearing
be transmitted to the Committees and that the