Parking Of Automobile (Off- Street Parking )_January to April 1976PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (Off -Street Parking) 277
Request of Mr. Aaron Goldman for City to return 1/21/76
Normandy Isle Alley right-of-way, in connection
with Off-street parking, to owners. To be placed
on Feb. 4, 1976 agenda.
Request of Mr. Aaron Goldman for City to 2/4/76
return Normandy Isle Alley right-of-way to
owners, deferred to 2/18/76.
Memo #5548, request by Leukemia Society of
America to lease City Parking lot on Feb. 21,
and 22, 1976. Approved, subject to the fur-
nishing in advance of proof acceptable to
City of compliance with City's insurance
PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (Off -Street Parking) 278
Request of Mr. Aaron Goldman for return of 2/18/76
alley right-of-way (deferred from 2/4/76).
Deferred to March 3, 1976. City Atty. rendered
opinion that deed contains reversion clause to
effect that if property is not used or ceases
to be used for off-street parking, title shall
revert to owner, and if City has no plans for
such use in reasonable foreseeable future, it
should revert and property should go back to
tax roll. City Mgr. and City Atty. directed
to work out details and prepare appropriate
documents for Council consideration, accompanied
by written recommendation from City Mgr. and
written legal opinion from City Atty.
(NOTE: Not on Agendas of March 3 or 17, 1976.)
PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (Off -Street Parking) 279
Request of Mr. Aaron Goldman for return of 4/7/76
alley right-of-way (deferred from 2/18/76).
Deferred to 4/28/76 to enable Councilman
Meyerson to question City Atty. Wanick as
to various aspects of return of alley
Request of Mr. Aaron Goldman for return of
alley right-of-way, (deferred from 4/7/76).
Res. #76-15028 adopted, authorizing execution
of a quit -claim deed to the alley right-of-way
abutting Lots 51 and 52, Blk 10, Ocean Side
Section, Isle of Normandy, to be delivered
upon payment by Mr. Goldman of pro rated taxes
on this land which he has been utilizing for