Parking Of Automobiles (Off-Street Parking)_July 1976 to May 1977PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (Off -Street Parking) 280
Memo #5802, Res. #76-15095 adopted, authorizing 7/21/76
execution of agreement with U. S. Postal Service,
for lease of parking spaces in four off-street
parking areas, at a monthly rental rate of
$907.85, for following, on month-to-month basis;
Zone 4C - 5spaces - $ 65.85 mo.
Zone 8A - 20 " - 263.00 "
Zone 17X- 20 " - 263.00 "
Zone 22X- 24 " - 316.00 "
69 " $10,894.00 annually.
(NOT ON AGENDA) Amending code to prohibit il- 7/21/76
legal parking of automobiles on outlots on
Indian Creek between 40th & 55th Sts., declaring
same to be a nuisance and providing for removal
PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (Off -Street Parking) 281
(continued) Date
and impoundment. Ord. passed on 1st reading.
Public hearing and second reading scheduled for
Sept. 1, 1976, at 2:00 p.m. Ls - 7/21/76
(ADD ON) Ord. #76-2070. apted as an emergency 8/4/76
measure amending"coae-tb—O rohibit illegal park-
ing of automobiles on outlots of Indian Creek
between 40th and 55th Sts. declaring same to be
a nuisance and providing for removal and im-
poundment. (NOTE: This ord. given 1st reading
on 7/21/; hearing and second reading scheduled
for 9/1. However, because of emerge y adoption
of ord. hearing will not be held.).oZ.S-�C�•
PARKING OF AUTOMOBILES (Off -Street Parkinal 282
Res. #77-15269 adopted, authorizing execution 2/16/77
of agreement with Flagship Bank, extending lease
for 1 yr. commencing 2/17/77, at the same fee as
last year, namely $7,500- for 31 spaces in Off -
Street Parking Area 10A (17th St. and Lenox Ave.).
-Original Memo stated $5,000. Should have been
$7,500, same as 1976. Typographical error cor-
rected hereby. Memo #6200.
Memo #6342, Res. #77-15335 adopted, authorizing 5/18/77
execution of lease agreements with U.S.Postal
Service for 20 spaces in zone 8A (42nd St. ga-
rage - 4th level) at monthly rate of $286.60;
15 spaces in zone 17X (13th & Collins) at
monthly rate of $214.90; and 18 spaces in