Equipment & Equipment Parts_August 1971 to April 1972ands EQUIPMENT & EQUIPMENT PARTS (CONTRACTS) Wellpoint Equipment: to Griffin Wellpoint Corp., $3,553.50. 41 8/4/71 Sound equipment: to Desco Designed Electronics 8/4/71 Cleaner/rodder mounted on Ford: to Jet Vac Sanitary Service, $42,097. 8/4/71 EQUIPMENT & EQUIPMENT PARTS(CONTRACTS) 2 Compaction transfer trailers - deferred to 4/19. Administration requested to contact low bidder, to see if he will be more reliable and will then decide between first or second bidder award. 2 Compaction Transfer trailers awarded to second bidder, Central Fla. Truck Equip.Inc. $36,324. Report re: complaints on low bidder Fla. Municipal Sales filed. 41A Meeting Date 4/5/72 4/19/72