Parking Meters_March 1950 to November 1951PARING METERS
Book Page
Replacement parts for 300
Rhodes meters z to be
purchased 3-1-50 �9 198
Councilman Richard
advises of complaints re-
ceived re. parking meters
and recommeds appointment
of committee from Council
to recommend new set -up --
Calls attention to certain
areas 8-2-50 29 518
Book Page
City Manager authorized to call
for bids for approximately
1000 meters 3-19-51 30 447
Councilman Powell suggests
penny parking meters in front
Central Beach Elementary School
5-16-51 31 181
All bids rejected for
1000 parking meters. City
Mgr. instructed to re- 7-18-51 31 400
advertise for new bids.
Book Page
Bids for 1500 parking meters
taken under consideration 8-1-51 31 409
Council discusses parking
meter rids; contracts awarded to:
Rhodes - 750mters @ S48.22
Duncan - 750 " @ 554.75 8-8-51 31 432
Councilman Richard requests
action of Council awarding
contract to Rhodes rescinded.
Motion ruled out of order. 8-15-51 31 466
Statements for purchase of
1,500 parsingmeters from Duncan
approved.ana 11-21-51 32 189