Parking Meters_April to November 1952PARKING METERS 19 Book Page City Mgr. advises Council that parking meters will be removed from two Washington Avenue lots south of City Hall and Collins Ave. lot at llth Street during the summer 4-16-52 32 499 Parking meters to be removed for summer months from areas at 9th and 10th Sts. and Washington Avenue; llth St. and Collins Ave., and the old City Hall site in 600 block on Collins Ave. City Mgr. to look into suggestion that meters be placed on cross streets from Collins Ave. to ocean. 5-7-52 33 25 PARKING METERS 20. Installation of parking meters on Book Page ocean end streets approved on trial basis 7-2-52 33 3 Council discusses necessity to acquire additional parking meters for ocean front streets. Referred to Parking Committee for study and recommendations. 9-17-52 Resolution of M.B. Taxpayers' Ass'n filed favoring synchronization of all traffic lights on Lincoln Rd. and opposing elimination of parking meters on that street 11-19-52 33 269 33 38o PARKING METERS 20A Book Page Lincoln Rd. Merchants Ass'n presents petition requesting removal of parking meters on Lincoln Rd.; that no parking be permitted between certain hours; that synchronized traffic lights be installed. Mr. Lipp's report read. City Mgr. makes recommendation. No action taken on request. 9-3-52 33 236 M.B. Taxpayers' Assn filed favoring synchronization of all traffic lights on Lincoln Rd. and opposing elimination of parking meters on that street 11-19-52 33 38o