Parking Meters_March to October 1954PARKING METERS 24 Book Page Martin Drexel objects to removal of parking meters from parking area at 65th St. & Indian Cr. Dr. City Mgr. advises meters were removed and put in location where they are making $100. per meter per yr. 3-3-54 35 367 Request for replacement of parking meters on lot at Indian Creek Drive at 65th Street denied 3-17-54 35 376 Removal of two parking meters at municipal parking lot between Washington & Collins on 1 th St. approved, in order that Jefferson Hotel can have access to hotel parking lot 3-17-54 35 384 PARKING METERS 24A Book Page Purchase authorized: From Duncan - 915 18 -hr meters, amt. $46,280.70 for Miller manually -operated meters. From Duncan - 71 3 -hr. meters, amt. $3,591.18 10-20-54 36 235 PARKING METERS 25 Book Page Suncoast Advertising Company submits proposal to place advertising on City's parking meters. Rejected. 10-20-54 36 268 Change in areas where parking tags may be used after Nov. 1, 1954. Parking permits no longer valid in Lincoln Lane are from Penn to Washington Aves., or in the 16th St. lot. Letter to be sent with each new permit issued on Nov. 1st. 10-29-54 36 298