Parking Meters_November to December 1954PARKING METERS
Book Page
Discussion re. Proposed installation
of parking meters on Indian Creek Drive
between 27th and 43rd Streets
11-3-54 36 300
Safety Committee submits 5 recommendations
re. 1 -way traffic, parking and parking
meters. Hearing held. Council approves
recommendation to remove parking meters
on 17th St. bet. Washington Ave. & Auditorium
driveway ; study to be made re. removing
parking meters on west sidegg of Collins
north f e. removingeparking meto ters on
Dec. 8th re.
Collins bet. 72nd St. & 73rd St.11_17_54 36 327
Book Page
Hearing conducted on recommendation of
Mayor's Safety Committee that parking
meters be removed on Collins Ave. bet.
72nd and 74th Sts. Matter deferred
until 1/5/55. Mr. Lipp to report at
that time re. extent city parking area
is used.
12-8-54 36 ,,,36,4,2,
Mr. J.T. Mahoney, Pres. North Shore Assn,`` ".r/
urges Council not to remove parking meters
on Collins Ave. bet. 69th and 75th Streets.
Refers to petition filed. Mr. Lipp reports.
No action to be taken at this time.
1-5-55 36 392
Book Page
Statement of Duncan Meter Corp.
for purchase of 986 parking meters
approved, $47,653.38 12-15-54 36 385