Parking Meters_August 1960 to May 1962PARKING METERS 34 Book Page Restoration parkingeareasdaioscussed. Mr. Liberman suggests that lots not taking in money be sold and other lots acquired. Meters to be restored on 47th St. parking lot and all other lots on which meter heads have been removed. 8-17-60 43 192 Moe Hyman complains of lack of parking space at 46th St. Beach. City Mgr. requested to investigate and if advisable install more short time meters there. 8-17-60 43 192 PARKING METERS 35 Book Page Complaint re. covered parking meters in vicinity of clubs and restaurants on 22nd Street referred to City Mgr. 4-12-61 44 54 Ben Lond, 808 W. Di Lido Dr. suggests 4 -hr meter be placed in 46th St. Park. 7-5-61 44 129 Councilman Richard request more 2 -hr meters in 46th St. Park - says he would not be in favor of having 4 -hr. meters as suggested by Mr. Lond above. 7-5-61 44 129 PARKING METERS 36. Book Page Contract for parking meters awarded to Duncan Parking Meters, low bidder, quoting $45.37 per meter. 9-6-61 44 191 $5,720 authorized from ucf for replacement of approx. 100 meters in exposed oceanfront locations, and for 1,000 new -type locks for addl security measure. 2-21-62 44 397 Contract for 110 2 hr. parking meters awarded to M. H. Rhodes, $4,702.50 4-4-62 44 461 Contract for 100 - 18 hr. parkingmeters 5 per hr.) awarded to Dulican Prking Meter Co., $4,347.00 5-16-62 44 507