Parking Meters_June 1961 to December 1965PARKING METERS 37. Book Page Removal of parking meters requested by Seymour Polster, owner of Silver Palms Apts. 3700 Collins Ave. Referred to Parking Committee- - and all interested parties to be notified by the committee when this matter is to be discussed by the committee. 6-6-62 44 536 Mr. Pushkin's recommendation against removal of meters on cross streets between Collins Ave. and Indian Creek Dr. approved. 8-1-62 45 38 PARKING METERS 38 Book Page Contracts awarded for parking meters for 46th Street lot. 9-5-62 45 87 Contract for 54 - 18 hr. parking meters awarded to Duncan Parking Meter Co., $2,395.98 11-21-62 45 204 approves Parking Committee/recommendations 0f_ City Mgr. and Police Chief that parking meters be installed where space is available on east and west sides of Collins Ave.from 44th St. to end of widened thoroughfare at approx. 4800 Collins Ave. Approx. 134 12 -hr meters ® 5 per hr. 3-20-63 45 375 PARKING METERS 39 Book Page $727.00 appropriation authorized from UCF for list of materials required for installation of parking meters in parking lot at Pier Park 1-2-64 46 366 Replacement of parking meters damaged by hurricane approved as recommended. 11-10-65 49 426 Owner of DuBarry Hotel 7320 Ocean Terr. protests against installation of parking meters on west side of Ocean Terrace between 73rd and 75th Sts. Council agrees to defer installation for period of 6 mos. 12-15-65 49 482