Parking Meters_August 1974 to February 1976PARKING METERS 48 Date Disc. of elimination of metered parking in cer- tain designated business areas after 6 P.M.,re- quested by V,M. Harold Rosen, deferred to 9/4/74. 8/21/74 Discussion of elimination of Metered Parking in certain designated business areas after 6 P.M., requested by Mayor Harold Rosen, (de- ferred from 8/21/74). Discussion held. Coun- cil indicated approval of City Manager's an- nounced intention to change to long-time meters in select areas. Mayor Rosen requested the Admin. to explore the possibility of issuing courtesy notices to out-of-state vehicles in violation. 9/4/74 PARKING METERS 49 Date Re. Budget Advisory Committee recommendation 9/25/75 B.H. to increase off-street parking base fine from $2.00 to $3,00. APPROVED, Ord. to be prepared for 10/1/75. PARKING METERS Ord. No. 75-2047 adopted as emergency measure, amending Chap. 44 of City Code to provide for an increase in penalty for overtime parking in a metered zone if paid within 48 hrs. of issuance, effective Oct. 1, 1975. Date 10/1/75 Amending Chapter 44 of City Code so as to in- 1/7/76 crease penalties on overtime Metered Parking tickets by $1.00. (OFF-STREET). Ord. passed on first reading. Hearing and second reading scheduled for Feb. 4, 1976. Ord. #76-2056 adopted, amending Chap. 44 of 2/4/76 City Code so as to provide for, increase in penalty for overtime parking in a metered