Parking Revenue Bonds- Proposed_July 1949 to December 1950PARKING REVENUE BONDS Barcus, Kindred & Co. Co. submit proposal - PROPOSED 1. BOOK PAGI & Atwill & 7/20/49 28 255 Proposal referred to City Manager, City Attorney and Mr. Liberman Report on proposal read Committee recommends that City handle proceedings and reject proposal 7/20/49 28 255 7/22/49 28 277 7/27/49 28 277 PARKING A4 REVENUE BONDS - PROPOSED Proposal of Barcus, Kindred & Company referred back to committee for study 7/27/49 sq BOOK PAGE 28 281 Proposal of Barcus, Kindred & Co. taken under consideration until next regular meeting 9/21/49 28 432 Parking Lot Committee recommends City enter into contract with a bond concern to aid in preparation and sale; also that proposal of Barcus, Kindred & Co., etc. for these services be accepted oer$i � ,akiR8 ag offer 1 0/ /499 8 4521 PARKING REVENUE BONDS Res. #7127 providing for the issuance of $1,480,000 Parking Revenue Bonds 3-8-50 29 214 $1,480,000 Parking Revenue Bonds sold 12-13-50 30 245 Res. #7368 authorizing sale 12-13-50 30 345 Monies derived from $1,480,000 sale to be invested in U.S. Treasury Certificates bearing 14% interest perannum 12-27-50 30 287 2. Book Page