Parking Revenue Bonds_January to May 1954PARKING REVENUE BONDS 3. Book Page City Atty advises that suggested investment of $1,480,000 Parking Revenue monies in Treas. Certificates would be in violation of terms of resolution 1-24-51 30 344 Bill of B. J. Van Ingen, for services in connection with issuance of bonds approved for payment $22,200. from $1,480,000 Parking Revenue Bonds 1-24-51 30 344 PARKING REVENUE BONDS - 4. Book Page Proposal submitted and accepted of B. J. Van Ingen & Co. Inc. and Atwill & Co. for preparation of proceedings in connection with contemplated sale of $500,000 Parking Revenue Bonds 10-21-53 35 105 Res. #8627 authorizing issuance of / MY t \ $500,000 irking revenue bonds 12-30-53 35 260 PARKING REVENUE BONDS 5. Book Page Res. #8712 re. issuance of $500,000 Parking Revenue Bonds, Series 1954 and transfer of certain funds 4-21-54 35 435 Bond sale date set for May 19, 1954 4-21-54 35 435 Proof of publishing notice re. sale of $500,000 Parking Revenue Bonds - Series 1954 in tOND BUYER. All bond bids rejected - returned unopened. 5-19-54 35 484