Parking Revenue Bonds_May 1956 to March 1958PARKING REVENUE BONDS 6 Book Page Res. #9261 calling for redemption and retirement of such number of Parking Revenue Bonds, Series 1950, as the sum of $36,950.20 permits (money in "Surplus Revenues Account" and'Reserve Account" of the Bond and Interest Redemption Fund) 5-16-56 38 204 Res. #9352 calling for redemption and retirement of $15,000 Parking Revenue Bonds 11-7-56 38 506 PARKING REVENUE BONDS 7. Book Page Res. #9626 authorizing extension agreement with B. J. Van Ingen & Co.,Inc. and Atwill & Co., Inc., in connection with sale of $2,000,000 Parking Revenue Certificates for purpose of double decking Lincoln Lane and other improvements -to the off-street parking system 11-6-57 40 101 Res. #96J5 calling for redemption and retirement of Parking Revenue Bonds, Series 1950, as the sum of $15,000 permits. 11-14-57 40 115 Res. #9650 rescinding Res. #8627 of 1953 authorizing issuance of $500,000 Parking Revenue Bonds 12-18-57 40 167 PARKING REVENUE BONDS 8 Book Page Res. #$9651 authorizing issuance of $1,850,000 par value revenue bonds, which issue will provide for double - decking Lincoln Lane Parking Area from Penna. Ave. to Washington Ave. and will increase the capacity of that area by about 684 cars, which cost will be about $1,350.00, with balance remaining approx. $500,000 to be used for providing add'l facilities for the parking system. 12-18-57 40 Bids received for purchase of above bond6-414 Ets. #9731 authorizing sale to Goldman Sachs & Co. & Associates 3-12-58 40 3":0