Parking Revenue Bonds_January to April 1965PARKING REVENUE BONDS 14. Book Page Proposal from B. J. van Ingen & Co., Inc. and Goodbody & Co. re. handling of proposed Parking Revenue Bond Issue. Res. #11371 adopted authorizing acceptance of written proposal by B. J. Van Ingen & Co. and Goodbody & Co. 1-20-65 48 337 Res. #11391 adopted calling for redemption ofAoutstanding Parking Revenue Bonds, Series 1958 3-17-65 48 399 Communication from Robert H. Cook of B. J. Van Ingen & Co. pertaining to proposed sale of parking revenue bonds read and filed. 3-17-65 48 405 PARKING REVENUE BONDS 15. Book Page Res. #11410 adopted providing for issuance of $3,000,000 parking revenue bonds, Series 1965. 4-7-65 48 442 Bids to be taken for sale of $3,000,000 parking revenue bonds, series 1965, at date and hr. to be fixed by City Mgr. & the fiscal agent. 6-23-65 49 146 Letter from B. J. Van Ingen & Co. advising that Miami Beach received "A" bond rating. 7-21-65 49 182 PART{.ING REVENUE BONDS 16 Book Page Sealed bids opened for purchase of $3,000,000 Parking Revenue Bonds, Series 1965. Res. #11574 accepting bid of Goldman Sachs & Co., and fixing the interest rate on the bonds. Simon Rubin asks Council to delay sale of bonds. 7-21-65 49 183 Res. #11579 adopted authorizing sale of $314,000 Parking Revenue Bonds, Series 1958 7-21-65 49 195