Parking System_January 1973 to October 1973PARKING SYSTEM 70 Meeting Date Recommendation approved that firm of Wilbur Smith and Associates make study on parking, and RES. 73-13861 adopted, authorizing execu- tion of agreement, setting forth terms and payments to be made, funds to be made avail- able from Surplus Revenues of Metered Parking System, not to exceed $21,600. 1/3/73 Action on resolution authorizing contract with Wilbur Smith and Assocs. Phase 11 of Parking Study deferred to 2/7/73 1/17/73 PARKING SYSTEM 70A Meeting Date Memo 3988: Recommendation to increase parking permit fees. Deferred. To be on 5/2/73 as Primrity Item. Sale of permits to be withheld until after 5/2/73. 4/18/73 Memo 3998A - Parking permit fees increased. 5/2/73 report from Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. auditors Memo 3988: Recommendation to increase parking permit fees. Deferred. To be on 5/2/73 as Priority Item. Sale of permits to be with- held until after 5/2/73 4/18/73 Memo 3998A- Parking permit fees increased. report from Peat, Marwick, Mitchell 9auditors) 5/2/73 PARKING SYSTEM 71 Meeting Date Request by Mr. Morris Tamres, Pres. of Ocean Point Assoc.Inc. that Council discontinue the requirement of $85 parking permits for condo- miniums on M.B. to be placed on 9/5/73 agenda. 7/18/73 Memo 4134 -appropriation of $40,000 from parking revenue bond fund for development ofparking area on S.E.corner of No. Jefferson Ave. & 42nd St. approved. 8/8/73 Memo 4234 approved for appropriation of $450,000 from parking meter bond funds for construction of parking garage south of 17th St., Meridian Ct. to Pa. Ave. 10/17,73 Memo 4245: metered parking system bond redemp- tion not submitted. Deleted by City Mgr. 10/17/73