Parking System_March to June 1975PARKING SYSTEM Authorize hiring of Wilbur Smith & Assoc., to update financial status report on revenue generating capacity of New Parking Facilities necessary prior to sale of next Metered Park- ing System Bond Issue. Res. #75-14660 adopted, authorizing hiring of Wilbur Smith & Assoc., at a fee not to exceed $5,000.00. 76 Date 3/12/75 Memo #5108, recommended increase in annual 4/16/75 and semi-annual Parking Permit fees. With- drawn by Admin.S1611 Ec Memo #5187, request for appropriation for con- 6/4/75 struction of Parking Garage south of 17th St., Meridian Court to Pennsylvania Ave. PA -65, in PARKING SYSTEM Memo #5106, lease of parking lot spaces to U.S. Postal Service, Res. #75-14693 adopted, authorizing execution of renewal lease agree- ments - three off-street parking areas, for 1 yr. period beginning 5/1/75 to 4/30/76, at a monthly rental rate of $844.82, for the fol- lowing: Zone 22X - 33 spaces - $ 357.39 mo. Zone 17X - 25 spaces - 270.83 mo. Zone 8A - 20 spaces - 216.60 mo. 78 spaces - $10,137.84 annually PARKING SYSTEM (cont'd) the sum of $3 M from surplus Revenue Funds of the CMB Parking Revenue System. Appropriation of $3 M from Surplus Revenue Fund of Parking Revenue System approved, to later be reimbursed from sale of Parking Meter Revenue Bonds. 76-A Date 77 Date 6/4/75 Memo #5207, Parking Garage So. of 17th St., 6/18/75 Meridian Court to Pa. Ave., PA -65, Change Or- ders Nos. 1 & 2, totaling $6,376.92 providing for increase in contract from $4,187,313.00 to $4,193,689.92 approved. Councilman Dr. Haber requested report from Admin. as to why City's method of construction, as opposed to pre- stressed method,was utilized.