Parking System_February 1978 to January 1979PARKING SYSTEM Res. #78-15534 adopted, (Flagship Bank), authorizing extension of agreement for 1 yr. 2/17/78 to 2/16/79, for 31 parking spaces in Off -Street Parking Area 10A (17th St. & Lenox Ave.) for $7,500.00. Memo #6694, Res. #78-15540 adopted,authorizing execution of lease agreement for 14 -day period, 2/17/78 thru 3/2/78, for 197 spaces in Lot 5E (adjacent to Cony. Center Wrqparound) to Miami International Boat Show, at a rate of $3.00 per day for each space, for purpose of addi- tional boat display area. (See Convention Center Complex)/ 85-A Date 2/1/78 2/1/78 PARKING SYSTEM 86 Date Memo #7104, selection, appraisal, and nego- 9/20/78 tiation for site for location of Metered Park- ing Div. Action deferred, pending additional review by Administration and members of Commis- sion Parking Committee. Report submission to Commission at an early date. Commissioner Weinstein requested that the City Atty. and Administration develop guidelines relative to acquisition or leasing of property; i.e., ap- pointment of real estate consultant and appraisers, etc. (See Commission Parking Committee) Memo #7253, Res. #78-15801 adopted, approving 12/20/78 and adopting budget of Metered Parking System, operation and maintenance, of CMB, for year PARKING SYSTEM (continued) beginning 1/1/79. City Mgr. rendered a status report on efforts being made to relocate Metered Parking operations from redevelopment area. 87 Date 12/20/78 (ADD ON) Request of Mr. Hal Spaet for agenda 1/3/79 consideration to discuss lease of off-street parking spaces in 1000 Blck of Lincoln Rd. Referred to Administration.