Parking System_January to June 1979PARKING SYSTEM Memo #k7267, Res, i#79-15813 adopted, authorizing execution of agreement with First Federal S&L Assoc. of Miami for use of 5 parking spaces in off-street Parking Lot 24B (71st St. & Rue Vendome), from 1/1/79 to 12/31/79, for $1,250,000 per year ($250.00 per space). 1/17/79 Representative of Pasteur Medical Center appeared and asked for consideration of their request to lease off-street parking spaces in 1000 block of Lincoln Road. Upon being advised by City Atty. that this matter was in process of being negotiated, Commission 88 Date PARKING SYSTEM 89 (continued) Date requested that subject be placed on Feb. 7, 1979 agenda, and that a report be furnished. 1/17/79 Memo #7323, Res. #79-15824 adopted, authorizing 2/7/79 execution of lease agreement between City of M.B. and Miami International Boat Show for use of Municipal Off -Street Parking Lot 5E from Feb. 19, 1979 thru March 2, 1979. Memo #7324, Res. #79-15825 adopted, authorizing 2/7/79 lease extension for sum of $7,500 with Flagship National Bank of Miami for use pf Parking Spaces in Off -Street Parking Lot 10A (17th St. and Lenox Ave.), from Feb. 17, 1979 to Feb. 16, 1980. PARKING SYSTEM 90 Date Memo 47484 $6,000 appropriation for material 5/2/79 costs, authorized from Contingency Account. Labor to be provided by City employees re: to make emergency repairs to roof of Metered Parking Garage, 250 Alton Rd. Commissioner Weinstein requested Administration 6/6/79 and 41st St. Revitalization Committee to again consider importance and cost of installing side- walk overhangs for weather protection. He also requested Administration to submit a report as to whether recommended additional off-street parking would be self-sustaining. Commissioners Weinstein and Malek, members of Parking Committee, requested City Mgr. to schedule a meeting Friday,