Equipment (Contracts)_June 1958 to November 1959EQUIPMENT (CONTRACTS) 28
Book Page
Contract for 16 coin changing machines
for Lincoln Lane awarded to Brook Corp.
$1,372.00 net. 6-4-58 40 458
Contract for elevator equipment for
Lincoln Lane Parking Area and 17th St.
Improvement awarded to Eastern Elevator
Co., $7,700.00 7-16-58 41 5
Contract for duplicating machine for
Water Dept. awarded to Friese Business
Machines, 5457.50 5/20/59 42 81
Book Page
Bids for electric scooters for
Exhibition Hall rejected.
9-30-59 42 305
Bids for steel safe for M.B.
Auditorium rejected. 9-30-59 42 306
Bids for adding machine for
Water Dept. rejected.
10-21-59 42 337
Contract for a safe for the
M,B. Auditors awarded to
799.00 11-4-59 42 351