Parking System_September 1979PARKING SYSTEM (continued) Finance Dept. PA -71. (See Lincoln Lane, Archi- tects and Engineers) 94 Date 9/5/791 � Memo #7736, rate structure, as recommended 9/19/79 by Convention Center Advisory Brd. approved per schedule submitted, to be effective im- mediately and apply to all future commitments with current commitments based on previous schedule to be honored. V.M. Friedman sug- gested that Commission establish a policy so as to provide parking facilities for use of exhibitors at the Convention Center facilities. Commissioner Weinstein advised that parking arrangements could be made through Administration PARKING SYSTEM 94A Date Memo #7674, Res, #79-16002 adopted, authorizing 9/5/79 execution of contract with Coopers and Lybrand to perform audit of Metered Parking System for Calendar Year 1978, fee of $10,700,00, (See Audit, AUDIT [CONTRACTS]) PARKING SYSTEM (continued) and that plans are being developed with Parking Committee for future submission to Commission, which would help solve some of the parking problems during events and con- ventions. (See Convention Center Complex, Parking Committee) 95 Date 9/19/79 (ADD ON) Memo #7743, status report and recom- 9/19/79 mendations re: termination of Mall Transport, Inc., Sightseeing and Mall Tram Franchises for failure of franchisee to comply with con- tract specifications. Administration's recom- mendations, as detailed in Memo #7743, approved, including adoption of Res. #79-16027. V.M. Friednan suggested that Administration also