Parking System_September to December 1979PARKING SYSTEM 96
(included) Date
investigate the alternative of City purchasing
leasing tile Metered Parking
Mall Transport, Inc.) 9/19/79
Memo #7759, Res. #79-16042 adopted, authoriz- 10/3/79
ing execution of agreement with Norman H.
Giller & Assoc., at a fee not to exceed
$15,300, re: professional services in connec-
tion with relocation of Metered Parking Di-
vision to the Lincoln Lane West Parking Garage
on 17th St., M.B. Fla., PA -71. (To be funded
from Metered Parking Division budget). (See
Lincoln Lane, Architects & Engineers)
Memo #7876, resolution of C.M.B., Fla., ap- 12/5/79
proving and adopting budget of Metered Parking
System, operation and maintenance, of C.M.B.
for the year beginning Jan. 1, 1980. Deferred
to 12/19/79.
Parking tickets issued during November of
1978 and 1979. During discussion of Item
R -1D, Commissioner Daoud asked Administration
for statistics on number of parking tickets
issued during Nov. 1978 and Nov. 1979.