Playgrounds_May 1946 to January 1947PLAYGROUNDS 3
Book Page
Council appropriates $750
for summer playground program
at Biscayne Elementary
School 5/15/46 24 96
Mr. Powell calls attention
to lack of playground
facilities on South Beach
and Normandy Isle 10/16/46 24 371
Committee consisting of
Councilmen Burbridge, Liberman,
Pole and Snedigar and Mr. Hice
appointed on above 10/16/46 24 171
Book Page
Normandy Isles Improvement
Ass'n. urge the City to buy
Block 37, Isle of Normandy,
for playgrounds - it is
referred to committee on
playgrounds 11/20/46 24 407
Res. #6153 is passed,
acquiring option to pur-
chase Lots 21 to 29, Blk.
30, Isle of Normandy,
for playground purposes 12/4/46 24 419
Book Page
Committee on Playgrounds
reports on proposed play-
ground sites on Normandy
Isle 1/2/47 24 442
Res. #6154 is passed,
acquiring option to pur-
chase Lots 21 to 29, Block
30, Isle of Normandy, for
playground, for $40,000 1/2/47 24 442
Norm. Isles Imp. Assn,
recommendation that City
acquireyyLots 6-9, Blk. 30
torcommitteee oniplaygrounds 1/15/47 24 466