Playgrounds_February 1947 to October 1949PLAYGROUNDS 6 Book Page Petition filed against proposed playground in Block 30, Normandy Isle - Council takes no action 2/5/47 24 471 Council votes to negotiate for purch4se of Lots 1 & 2, Block 9, Ocean Beach Sub., for playground purposes 3/19/47 25 514- Res. 4Res. #6260 authorizing purchase of Lots 1 & 2, Block 9, Ocean Beach, for playground purposes 4/7/47 25 87 PLAYGROUNDS -4h�4i, 41 7 r404 „ Book Page $21,590 appropriated for development of Normandy Isle playground 5/7/47 25 161 C. J. Bryson given contract to build fence around Normandy Isle playground 5/21/47 25 188 All bids rejected for Normandy Isle playground shelter building 7/16/47 25 291 Contract for Normandy Isle playground shelter building awarded to Clark -Storm Const. Co. 8/20/47 25 345 PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 24. Book Page Mayor appoints Councilmen Burbridge, Liberman and Roth to Parks and Playground Committee 10/5/49 28 457 Petition of fifteen pre- school gliilgren mothers for suitable 'acuities at Polo Park o pre-school activitts can be conducted in bad weather, referred to Kenneth Thompson 10/19/49 28 482