Parks & Playgrounds_1950 to March 1951PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS Council approves in principle allocation of $15,000.00 in 1950-51 budget for the develop- ment of Block 17, Bis. Bch. 2nd addition for parks and playground purposes 6-7-50 29 405 Offer of Geo. Jacobs to sell property adjoining Normandy Isle Playground re- ferred to Committee on Pars and Playgrounds for recommendations 6-21-50 29 414 30 Book Page PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 31 Book Page Councilman Richard urges condemnation of property north of Firestone Estate for park purposes 8-2-50 29 518 Council authorizes setting up of playground at 62nd St. and LaGorce Golf Course 11-22-50 30 199 Normandy Isle Improvement Assn. request for enlarge- ment of playground on Normandy Isle referred to Committee on parks 11-22-50 30 199 PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 32 Book Page Contract for '?Wood Jalousie Addition to North Shore Park Recreation Cente and Polo Park Recretation Center" awarded to King Constr. Co. 12-7-50 30 231 Contract for floodlighting and wiring improvements in North Shore Park awarded to Astor Electric Co. 2-7-51 30 355 Request of M. B. Optimists Club for financial assistance in pro- moting little league baseball referred to Asst. City Mgr. 3-19-51 30 446