Park View Island_February 1958 to July 1962�k ViQ i T`)In rA
Book Page
Petition of Parkview Island
residents and property owners
presented, asking for ordinance
to require sufficient parking with
all new construction. Legal Dept.
instructed to prepare stop gap
ordinance to require 1 -car parking
space for every 12 units; also
instructed to prepare necessary
resolutions to amend zoning ordinance.
No specific action taken with regard
to Parkview Island.
2-5-58 40 244
Book 7`Page
Statement of Oboler & Clarke, Inc.
for services in connection with plans
and design of Park View Island Bridge
$485.00 approved 7/5/62 45 2
Councilman Richard asks Mr. Pushkin if
City had given any thought to filling
in canal over which the present bridge
is constructed. Mr. Pushkin advises
he had never been in on any plans to
fill canal. 7-5-62 45 3