Equipment (Contracts)_August 1963 to December 1965EQUIPMENT (CONTRACTS) aretoscheLibrrailer ary $7,620.00. (replacement for existing bookmobile) 8-21-63 46 90 Contract for mimeograph machine for City Clerk's Office awarded to Encore $750.00 12-18-63 46 348 Book 32 Page Bids for signature & machine presented. of contract deferred. some other companies did not bid. check signing Action on award Clerk to contact to inquire Why they 3-4-64 46 446 EQUIPMENT(CONTRACTS) 33 Book Page City Clerk reports on outcome of investigation in connection with check signing machine. Additional inquiries to be made of other business machine companies before contract is awarded. 3-18-64 46 466 City Clerk reports outcome of _further investigation re. check signing machine. Contract awarded to Burroughs Corp. the only bidder, $3,640.00 net. 4-15-64 47 17 Contract for rental of ticket dispensing eqpigiwnt for meterlessarXin area in ,ane awarded to C�incinngati Time Recorder Co. of $1,175.00 for 8 mo. period, \ti ,ith option for outright purchase. 10/21/64 EQUIPMENT -CONTRACTS 41 34. Book Page Contract for one electric water billing machine awarded to Burroughs Corp. $5,939.04 1-6-65 48 309 Contract for one Electric Water Billing Machine awarding to Burroughs Corp., $6,230.20 12-16-65 49 490 Contract for one coin sorter and counting machine awarded to Brandt Automatic Cashier Co., $1,146.90 12-16-65 49 491