Park View Island_December 1978 to February 1979PARK VIEW ISLAND
of 30 days ending January 18, 1979, was
Memo #7307, Park View Island Study. City Atty. 1/17/79
advised that a suit had been filed by the
clients of Mr. Daniel Retter, Park View Island
Apartments, Ltd., for a declaratory action, in-
junction and other relief. He advised the Com-
mission again that once a matter is in the
courts, the Commission should take no action.
Atty. Harold Rosen, representing the Island resi-
dents, appeared and requested an extension of
moratorium until a decision is rendered in the
pending lawsuit. Mr. Retter appeared in op-
position to the extension of the moratorium,
(continued) Date
based on the Administration's determination
that the moratorium need not be continued.
Discussion held. Current moratorium expiring
Jan. 18, 1979 was extended through Feb. 22,
1979 to give the City Atty. an opportunity to
defend the pending litigation; and in the in-
terim, the Administration was directed to again
investigate all aspects of the situation in
greater depth and submit a further report. At
the request of City Atty., Mr. Rosen agreed to
assist the City in defending the court case. 1/17/79
Ms. Maryon Freifelder, President of Park View 2/7/79
Island Homeowners' Assoc., appeared and ex-
pressed concern that Administration had not
(continued) Date
contacted them for their input to investigate
all aspects of the moratorium in greater depth.
City Mgr. advised they were working with the
homeowners' atty. but would review anything
necessary with them if they so wish. Admini-
stration directed to expeditiously schedule
meetings, via Assoc's atty. 2/7/79
Memo #7358, moratorium extended for 6 -month 2/21/79
period to Auq. 22, 1979. Matter referred to
Planning Brd. to review all aspects of ordi-
nances affecting Park View Island, including
density, parking, santitation, streets, safety
and health, and all items concomitant to the
proper planning for the Island, and for the