Park View Island_June to September 1979PARK VIEW ISLAND (continued) to inspect all vacant buildings in City in order to be certain that they do not create a safety, health, or police hazard. (See Plan- ning Commission) Memo #7606, proposed Zoning District for Park View Island referred to Planning Brd. for hearing and recommendations. (See Zoning, Planning Brd.) 29 Date 6/20/79 7/18/79 IslancaHomeowners�lissbciaetion, aappearPearkanu 8/1/79 requested, 1) emergency consideration of ex- tending the building moratorium on the Island from its present expiration date of Aug. 2, 1979 PARK VIEW ISLAND 30 (continued) Date until the Planning Brd. completes its review of the proposed zoning changes and submits its recommendation to Commission, and 2) that the Planning Brd. expeditiously consider this matter. Ord. #79-2168, extending building moratorium until Nov. 21, 1979, adopted as an emergency measure. Administration asked to remind Plan- ning Brd. to expedite consideration of proposed amendment to zoning ord. to reduce the density requirements on Island. (See Planning Commis- sion, Zoning) 8/1/79 (NOT ON AGENDA) Mayor Haber requested City 9/19/79 Atty. and City Mgr's office to look into PARK VIEW ISLAND (continued) statements made by Mrs. Maryon Freifelder, President of Parkview Island Homeowners' Assoc, as to, 1) the apparent lack of an Engineer's seal on a certified survey; 2) the additional construction of a swimming pool in an area which was alleged to be open space; and 3) the failure of the owner to apply to the Florida Land Sales and Condo- minium office for appropriate permits, etc., required before any permits are issued; and to return with a report to the Commission as well as to the Parkview Island Homeowner's Association. (Excerpt furnished affected departments by the City Clerk). 11 Date 9/19/79