Pelican Island_January 1964 to June 1968PELICN ISLAND 3. Book Page Res. #11134 adopted, granting easement to U. S. Government for period Jan. 2, 1964 to Jan. 1, 1966, to use any and all submerged land (Pelican Island)in connection with construction and maintenance of Intra- coastal Waterway. 1-2-64 46 371 Mayor Richard advises Council as to outcome of his conversation with Claude Pepper re. access to Pelican Island - that Mr. Pepper suggested City continue to exert every effort re. access from Julia Tuttle causeway. 1-2-64 46 372 PELICAN ISLAND 4. Book Page Res. 411226 adopted authorizing City Engineer to make application to U.S. Corps of Engineers for revival of original permit for securing a permit to construct "Pelican Island" and to indicate a bridge at the North End connecting with the Julia Tuttle Causeway 6-3-64 47 62 Letter from Claude Pepper -State Congressman, containing suggestions for City action as to Pelican Island access. City Mgr. and City Atty to take necessary steps to follow through on matter. 6-17-64 47 96 PELICAN ISLAND 5. BOOK PAGE Members of Council & representatives of Admini- stration required to consult with U. S. officials re. Federal approval for access to Pelican Island from Julia Tuttle Causeway. 5-15-68 53 204 City Manager to pursue efforts with State authorities re. access to Pelican Island. 5-15-68 53 204 Action deferred on resolution authorizing permit issuance to City for dredging Pelican Island, City Attorney advising of necessity for ecological survey & hydrographic survey to comply with new State law. 6-26-68 53 263