Pelican Island_November 1968 to February 1971PELICAN ISLAND 6, BOOK PAGE City Manager to keep Council posted re. proposed hydrographic study for creation of Pelican Island and requests re. access route. 11-6-68 53 578 Mr. Toal reported favorable consideration on Council request access and will furnish additional information. 2/13/69 54 184 Memo 2072, deferred to 5/12/69.5/7/69 54 392 Action deferred to 5/21/69. 5/12/69 54 424 PELICAN ISLAND 7. Book Page Memo 2072 re. request of City to State Rd. Dept. for access to Pelican Island considered. Council approved employment of Connell, Pierce, Garland & Friedman, at fee not to exceed $5,000, from Contingency Fund., for preparation of info. requested by Bureau of Public Roads. City Mgr. to contact firms such as Victor Gruen re. study & proposals for development of Pelican Island. City Mgr. to acquire fill permits necessary; to obtain financing information. 5/21/69 54 447 Res.##12756 authorized execution of agreement with Connell Associates to prepare information required by Fed.Bureau of Roads. 6/4/69 54 479 PELICAN ISLAND U.of Fla. hydrographic study approved, commencing 10-1-69 - $8,605. John Forte appearance; requested public hearing; CC advised inopportune now; to meet with City Mgr. 8 Meeting date 9-17-69 9-16-70 Recommendatn by City Mgr to call hearing deferred to 1-6-71 - Memo 2883. (not reached) 12-16-70 ....deferred to 1-20 (not full CC) 1-6-71 ....deferred to 2-3 (not reached' memo 2h9) 1-20-71 RES 13204 calling 4-21 hearing, established bulkhead,etc. Paul Ruthfield re- quested plans for Island developmt be included at hearing. 2-3-71