Pension System (Fire And Police)_April 1951 to March 1953PENSION SYSTEM (PIPE . AND POLICE) 5 Book Page 3/ To provide for an increase in Pension benefits i--11-51 31 2 Mr. Renshaw explains his position as he says committee members were not in accord 4-11-51 31 2 Council approves first two changes but votes to submit request for increased pension benefits to freeholders for their vote 4-11-51 31 3 PENSION SYSTEM FIRE & POLICE1 6 Council affirms previous action re. Book Page (1) approving giving full credit to police and firemen for time served before they became policemen & firemen; (2) approving return of funds contri- buted by member on separation from service; but rescinds action re. referring the police and firemen's request for increased pension benefits to vote of freeholders. Plan to be submitted to experts for study and report back to Council not later than Jan. 1, 1953 5-2-51 31 103 PENSION SYSTEM (FIRE & POLICE) 7 Book Page City Mgr. advises that various actuarial firms had been Contacted re. making actuarial study of the 2 City pension systems. Contract awarded to A. G. Gabriel, at estimated max. fee $1,950. with 1 trip to Miami 7-2-52 33 134 Statement of A. G. Gabriel, consulting actuary, approved, for services in connection with 2 City pension systems, $1,950.00 3-18-53 34 106