Pension Ordinance_November 1936 to January 1938PENSION ORDINANCE 2. Book Page Resolution No. 3965 passed en- dorsing passage of Act to extablish Pension & Retirement System 4/16f37 16 1 Date of electionon referendum on Pension Act set for 9/13/37 5/19/37 i6 101 lst Reading of Ordinance establish- ing Pension, "nnuity,etc.System 9-22-37 16 269 2nd Reading of above ordinance 9-30-37 16 2ge PENSION ORDINANCE 3. Book Page 1st__ and_ 2nd readings of Ord.No.49g establishing pension, annuity, sta.---rewritten after 1st and 2nd readings held 9-22-37 and 9-30-37) 11-24-37 i6 392 -FINAL-READING-ORDINANCE Nos 4944 - establishing pension, annuity,ete. Res. #4174 - calling election on 16 421 pension and Civil Service 12-3-37 16 431 Report on result of Election held 3i.18,1938 1-19-38 PENSION ORDINANCE Book Page Councilman Meyer submits proposed Civil Service & Pension Ord. 11/4/36 15 209 City Manager to prepare Pension Ordinance Res.#3743 11/12/36 15 218 Retirement andpersonnel plan discussed 4-7-37. 15 513 Pension & Retirement System and Civil Service System again discussed. No action taken. 4/12 16 1 16 491 to ---- 494