Pension Board_March to October 1938PENSION BOARD
Book Page
Councilmen Burbridge and Meyer,
City Manager Renshaw and City
Clerk Tomlinson appointed to
Pension Board 3-2-38 17 61
Trustees of Employees Retirement
System appointed -V. W. Si11s,H. V.
Yocum and James Pushkin 3-16-38 17 79
Sale of City bonds held as Investment
to Pension & Retirement System
authorized 4-6-38 17 94
Book Page
Res. #14-352 providing for election to
elect Trustees for Groups 1, 2 and 3
on Employees Retirement System 7-20-38 17, 220
Cert. as to result of above elec-
tion for Trustees 8-17-38 17, 249
Res. #4363 accepting Cert. on
result of election 8-17-38 17, 249
Authority given for transfer of funds
to Employees Retirement System 10-26-38 17,315
Audit report for Employees Retirement
System for year ending 0ct.31,193
3-157- 39 18 11
Book Page
Res. #4601 calling election for
Trustee member from Group 3.
8-7-39 18 202
Res.#4636 accepting returns of
election for Trustee from Group
3 on Employees Retirement System
(Frank Hoban elected) 9-6-39 18 242
Councilman Herbert A. Frink ap-
pointed on Pension Board to fill
vacancy of Mr.Burbridge 9-20-39 18 279
Report of .mployees Retirement
System and 4-'udit of Books presented
and accepted 2/21/40