Pension Board_July 1940 to July 1942ResoIution No. 5I45 accepting bid of
Miami Beach Employees Retirement
System Fund -for p231.000. Rerun ing 2onds, 69
Issue of 1941. 2/12/41
Civil Service Employees Assn. request
that a change be made in the appointment
of Chairman of -Personnel Board- 4/23/4_3---20__.184
No action taken with reference to change in
Director of Personnell V23/41 -20 184
on - ug.28,1941,
Res. f# 5317 callin
-TTrustee for Group 1 of Employ 's
-Retirement System '7/16/41 20 347
Book Page
Book Page
Res. #4929 calling election for
Trustee from Group 2 for Retire-
ment system 7/26/40 19 207
returns of Inspectors and Clerk
on above election 9/25/40 19 265
Res. #4961 accepting returns of
above election 9/25/40 19 265
Clerk instructed to purchase from Em-
ployees -Retirement System,Bonds at Book
value to permit them to bid on 231M
Refunding Bonds 2/5/41 20 42
Book Page
Res. #5348 accepting returns of
election of members from Group 1
of Employees Retirement System
Council authorized purchase of
Refunding Bond Issue of 1941 up
to $136,000. in order to put
Emp. Retirement Fund in position
to purchase Refunding Bonds, Issue
of 1942. 2/4/42 21 169
Res.#5584 calling election for Trustee
from Group 3 of Emp.loyess Retirement
System 7/22/42
20 431
21 404