Pension Board_July 1942 to August 1944PENSION BOARD
D. Lee Powell appointed to serve
as Trustee, succeeding Mr. Meyer,
resigned 7/22/42
Book Page
21 408
Frank Hoban reblected as Trustee to
represent Group 3 on Pension Board
Res.#5592 accepting returns 10-7-42 21 429
City Atty. to draw up ordinance to per-
mit employees on Military leave of ab-
sence to make contributions to their
pension system 5/5/43 22 90
Book Page
Res.;#5689 calling an election for
Trustee frorn Group 2 - election called
for Aug.3rd and 10th,1943 7/21/43 22 168
Res. #5693 adopting certificate of
Inspectors & Clerk in elec. of trustee
from Group 2 of Emp. Retiremerii/Vijem 22 154
Mr. Renshaw recommends employment
of Actuary to study system and make
recommendations - COUNCIL VOTES
TO EMPLOY ACTUARY 2/18/44 22 281
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Book Page
Res. #5750 calling an election in
Group 1, for Trustee 7/5/44 22 362
Certificate of Clerk & Inspectors
as to Primary held in Group 1
on 7/21/44 8/7/44 22 351
Certificate of Clerk & Inspectors
as to Election held in Group 1 on
7/28/44 shows tie vote 8/7/44 22 381
Res. #5758 calling another election
in Group 1, to be held on
August 18, 1944 8/7/44 22 381