Equipment (Contracts)_July 1968 to January 1971EQUIPMENT CONTRACTS 37 BOOK PAGE Contracts awarded to various low bidders for one year on "as needed" basis as recommended. 7-17-68 53 315 Contract awarded to Industrial Lift Trucks for one gasoline powered sweeper, $3,694.00. 7-31-68 53 345 Contract awarded to Growers Ford Tractor Co. for 2 tractors, totalling $6,370. 7-31-68 53 346 Contract awarded to Gray Office Machine Co. for annual typewriter maintenance (92 electric & 113 manual typewriters) for $4,455. 9-4-68 53 418 EQUIPMENT CONTRACTS Bids for front-end loader rejected & Public Works Department to revise specifications on basis of equipment more suited to their needs. 9-4-68 53 418 Contracts awarded to various low bidders for office supplies for six month's period. 10-16-68 Contract awarded to Clarin Manufacturing Company, $10,180., for 500 steel folding nylon upholstered chairs in Auditorium and Convention Hall. 12-18-68 54 98 38 BOOK PAGE 53 543 EQUIPMENT CONTRACTS 39 Meeting date Hydraulic derrick and digger, to Hunt Truck Sales, for $19,271.20. Back -hoe: Case Power & Equipment - $39,940. - Back -hoe, $11,244.25, to Howe E. Moredock Co. ...trenching Machine bid rejected; to be rebid. Hydraulic crane, to Interntl Harvester, $16,600. 7-15-70 10-21-70 11-25-70 11-25-70 1-6-71