Pension System & Board_August 1949 to August 1950PPNSION SYSTEM & BOARD Res. #6980 calling Trustee election in Group 2 Councilmen amx Klein elected Trustee to succeed Herbert Prink Ordinance No. 891, adopted, amending Pension Plan Ord. #845 19 Book Page 8/3/49 28 308 8/3/49 28 310 8/17/49 28 347 PENSION SYSTEM & BOARD 20 Book Page Res. #6990 declaring Dave Cleary elected Trustee from Group 2 8/17/49 28 351 Res. #7019 calling Pension Election on 10/25/49 re. Ordinance No. 891 9/21/49 28 425 Res. #7030, appointing Clerks and Inspectors to conduct Special Election on )Oct. 25 10/5/49 28 465 PENSION SYSTEM & BOARD 21 Book Page Official returns of Special Election -. Ordinance No. 891 amending Ordinance No. 845 10/26/49 29 10 Res. #7038 canvassing returns and declaring result to be for approval of Ordinance No. 891 10/26/49 29 10 Res. #7249 calling Trustee Election in Group 1 8/2/50 29 512