Pension System & Board_March 1953 to March 1955PENSION SYSTEM & BOARD 28 Book Page Statement of A. G. Gabriel, consulting actuary, approved, for services in connection with 2 City pension systems, $1,950.00 3-18-53 34 106 Res. #8457 calling election of Trustee, Group 1, Employees Retirement System 8-5-53 34 433 Res. #8495 canvassing returns of primary election for Trustee in Group 1, of Employees Retirement System --G. W. Roberts elected 8-26-53 34 508 PENSION SYSTEM & BOARD Statement of A. G. Gabriel, for services in connection with actuarial valuation of Pension Fund for Police- men and Firemen, $325.00 approved 9-2-53 35 17 Res. #8757 calling Pension Board election -_ 29 Book Page election of Trustee from Group 3 to succeed Frank Hoban. 7-21-54 36 94 Res. #8771 canvassing returns of primary election for `TrustOe in Grotap 3, Employees Retirement System -- Frank Hoban elected 8-18-54 36 127 PENSION SYSTEM & BOARD 30 Book Page 1st reading amendment to Pension Ord. #845 relative to Service Disability Reserve Fund. Contributions to cease after 9 yrs. creditable service from date of first becoming participant in fund; salary deductions for fund to be made quarterly instead of annually. 3-2-55 36 461 City Mgr. presents following bill for passage by Legislature: Pension & Retirement System Act amendment (re. laborers haying option of becoming member f System Res. No, 859 endorsing bill. 3-9-55 36 467