Pension Board & System_April 196761 PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM Book Page (contd.) opinion, at next meeting, providing that the increased benefits would not apply to those whose existing benefits exceed $9,999.00. 4-5-67 51 477 Request of lifeguards for change in pension benefits providing that lifeguards be permitted to retire at age 50 with 20 yrs. service approved, to be placed on 6/7/67 ballot. (see ordinance later in meeting) 4-5-67 51 472 1st & 2nd reading of ordinance re. change in retirement age for lifeguards (age 50 with 20 yrs. sery ) to go into effect 6/7/67, provided it is approved by majority PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM (contd.) of qualified voters. 4-5-67 51 475 62 Book Page 1st & 2nd reading of ordinance re. change in mandatory retirement age (age 65) of all employees, to go into effect 6/7/67, provided it is approved by majority of voters. 4-5-67 51 478 1641 Ordinance/adopted re. employees vested rights to go into effect, if approved by electorate on 6/7/67. 4-19-67 51 552 PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 1642 Ordinance/adopted changing mandatory retirement age for all employees to go into effect if approved by electorate on 6/7/67. 4-19=67 51 553 1643 Ordinance/adopted providing for increase in benefits to retirants and pensioners, to go into effect if approved by electorate 6/7/67. 4-19-67 51 553 1644 Ordinance/adopted changing mandatory retirement age for police and firemen who are members of General Employees Pension System, to go into effect if approved by electorate on 6/7/67. 4-19-67 51 553 6$ Book Page