Pension Board & System_July 1967 to July 196864 PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM Book Page Res. 12178 calling Pension Board Election - Group 2 - Primary,Aug. 22, 1967; General Election, Aug. 29, 1967. 7-19-67 52 128 Councilman Malek resigns from Board of Trustees of M.B. Employees Retirement System and Councilman Weinstein appointed to Board to replace Councilman Malek. 8-9-67 52 172 Raymond V. Shea elected to Pension Board to represent Group 2 employees, 3 yrs ending 8/31/70, Res. #,12216 8-23-67 52 219 PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 65 BOOK PAGE Request by Irving Cypen for increased pension benefits for firemen & policemen referred to City Manager, City Attorney & Director of Personnel for recommendation --study to take into account appli- cation of similar benefits to members of general employees' pension plan. 5-15-68 53 188 Proposed ordinance increasing age at which retire- ment can be extended was deferred to 6/26/68. 6-5-68 53 220 Pension ordinance amendments passed on 1st and 2nd readings providing for extension of retirement not to exceed 1 year at any one time beyond age 65, to PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM maximum of 75 years; providing excess interest income from investments to be applied to increas- ing benefits of pensioners & retirants in pro- portion to cost -of -living; providing benefits for 254 employee members who retire with 10 years vested & rights. 6-26-68 53 269 Action deferred to 7/17/68 on renewal of Moody's Investors Service agreement. All members of Pension Board voting request to be present, and Moody's advised to be present. 6-26-68 53 263 #1699 Ordinance/providing for extension of retirement beyond 65 years to maximum of 75 years adopted. 7-3-68 53 279 66 BOOK PAGE