Pension Board & System_July to September 1968PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM #1700 Ordinance/adopted providing excess interest income from investments to be applied to increasing benefits of pensioners & retirants. 7-3-68 53 281 #1701 Ordinance/adopted providing for retirement of employees with 10 years vested rights under Sec. 5C. 7-3-68 53 281 Action deferred to 7/24/68 re. proposed contract with Moody's Investors Service, Inc. Suggested Moody's representative meet with City Manager & City Attorney to draft revised contract if they decide on Moody's. Also, suggestion that top firms be invited by Pension Board to bid. 67 BOOK PAGE PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 68 BOOK PAGE Seiderman indicated if Pension Board wanted to do anything on its own volition between now & 326 July 24 & wishes to make recommendations, Council & would hear same on 7/24/68. 7-17-68 53 330 Res. #12486 adopted authorizing execution of contract with Moody's Investors Service, Inc. as investment counsel for M. B. Employees' Pension System, 7/24/68 through 7/23/69). 7-24-68 53 335 Res. #12500 calling election of representative from Group 1 to serve for 3 years commencing 9/1/68 on Board of Trustees of M. B. Employees' Retirement System. 8-21-68 53 354 69 PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM BOOK PAGE Res. # 12514 adopted certifying results of election 8/27/68 for Trustee representing Group 1, M. B. Employees' Retirement System, electing Emery Zerick to Pension Board. 9-4-68 53 418 Res. #12513 adopted commending Albert D. Hoiss for services on Board representing Group 1. 9-4-68 53 427 Resolution #12595 adopted authorizing renewal of agreement with Florida Combined Insurance Agency on behalf of Blue Cross -Blue Shield Plan and American Bankers Life Insurance for group hospitalization and life insurance coverage