Pension System & Board_August 1970 to February 1971PENSION SYSTEM & BOARD Florence Huss elected rep.Group 2, for 3 yrs. from 9-1-70. RES.13084. 8-19-70 RES.13094 hiring investment counselors, Thorndike,Doran,Paine & Lewis Inc. to 9-1-71. 9-2-70 81 Meeting date Charter change to increase/benefits, at 4-23-70 election - deferred to 1-20-71 ; City Mgr to advise costs involved. ....1st, 2nd readings passed, amending 5C.01 of 845; costs approx. $200,000, included in '70-71 budget. 61-28-70- g6 cR-iZD V-13- 1-6-71 1-20-71 PENSION SYSTEM & BOARD 81-a Meeting date Discussion re reducing funding. 9-28-70 Weinstein appointed to BD.of Trustees of Pension System, replacing Powell. 9-29-70 PENSION SYSTEM & BOARD 82 Meeting date Mr. Goodman announced intention to resign, advised Harold Rosen willing to serve; was asked to remain pending CC action. Mr. Rosen urged filling vacancy on Bd.of Adjutmt quickly. ORD. 1866, amending 845 (5C.01) re charter change on pension benefits. Harold Rosen elected Councilman re- placing Goodman. 1-20-71 2-3-71 2-17-71