Pension Board & System_October 1972 to August 1973PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM
Meeting Date
Council approved recommendation of Bd. of
Trustees of Employees' Retirement System that
offer of Florida Combined Insurance Agency to renew
contract for year 1973 with no changes in rates
or benefits. In 1972 City entered into two-year
contract subject to renegotiation for 2nd year. 10/18/72
Amendment to General Employees' Pension Ord. 1901
passed amending Section 6.03(c) to provide
for a 40 -year funding period for City's accrued
liability rather than 30 -year period (Recommended
by Bd. of Trustees of Retirement System -
Board minutes synopsis 2-9-73 filed for record. 2/21/73
Meeting Date
Amending Sect. 6.03(c) of Ord. 1901 to provide
for a 40 -year funding period for City's accrued
liability ather than a 30 -year period. Re-
ques�ted� rd. of Trustees of Retirement System
for General Employees of City of M.B. First
reading 2/21/73. Ord. No. 73-1954 adopted. 3/7/73
Amending General Pension Ord. 1901 to exempt
unclassified employees in Mayor's office from
age limit for mandatory retirement, referred
to Employees' Retirement System Bd. of Trustees
for recommendation to Council on 6/6. 5/16/73
Recommendation of Bd. of Tstees. of Retirement
System that a 3 -yr. contract be awarded to
dike, Doran, Paine & Lewis, Inc. and to
Meeting Date
haBes or� Corr�pany of the Southeast, each to
g tia f o the fund portfolio - Memo.
4029, Res. 73-14016 adopted authorizing execu-
tion of contracts.
First reading on Ordinance amending general
Pension Ord. No. 1901, to eliminate age limit
for mandatory retirement of City of M.B. To
be read second time 8/1/73.
Ord. 73-1963 adopted, establishing July 31 as
effective date of Ordinance 1901 , so as to
eliminate age limit for mandatory retirement of
City of M.B. employees.