Pension Board & System_September 1973 to January 1974PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 90
Meeting Date
Ord. passed on 1st reading. Second reading 9/5/73
re: amending chapter 2 of code extending group
insurance to age 56 and amending article 2,
section 2.04(a) of pension ordinance 1901 to
permit membership in pension system by new
employees having attained age 56 8/8/73
Res. 73-14100 adopted declaring Florence Huss
to be elected for 3 years beginning 9/1/73.
as member from Group 2 to serve as Trustee of
General Employees' Retirement System 9/5/73
Ord. 73-1964 adopted, amending Chapter 2 of
City Code to increase from 55 to 56 birthday
the maximum age of persons entering into City
Meeting Date
employment to be eligible for group insurance
benefits. 9/5/73
Ord. 73-1965 amending general pension ord. 1901,
to increase from 55th to 56th birthday the
maximum age of persons entering into City employ-
ment to be eligible for pension benefits. 9/5/73
Ordinance passed and scheduled for hearing on
Sept. 19, 1973 re: to provide for buy-back of
pension time creditable service. Memo 4178. 9/5/73
Ord. 73-1966 adopted, amending general employees
pension ordinance No. 1901 to provide for buy-
back of pension time creditable service. 9/19/73
Meeting Date
Ordinance passed on 1st reading. Scheduled for
second reading 2/6/74; re: amendment of pension
ord. no. 1901, to delete reference to City Clerk -
Finance Dir, and make reference only to Finance
Dir. as related to disbursement of funds and
vouchers used therefor. 1/2/74
Amending Sec. 2.48 of City Code to raise age of
group hospitalization insurance eligibility
from 56 to 65 years, referred to Pension Bd.
for consideration. 1/2/74
Amending Sec. 2.58 of City Code to raise eligibil-
ity for employees life insurance from 56 to 65
yrs. referred to Pension Bd. for consideration. 1/2/74