Pension Board & System_February to September 1974PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 93 Meeting Date Ord. No. 74-1981 adopted. Amends Pension Ord. 1901 to delete reference to City Clerk - Finance Director and refer only to Finance Director as related to disbursement of funds and vouchers used therefor. (First reading January 2, 1974). 2/6/74 Ord. passed on first reading amending Ord.1901 to include elected officials. Second reading May 1, 1974. 4/3/74 PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 94 Meeting Date Hearing concluded and amendment approved re: consideration of amendment prior to second read- ing of amendment by City re: possible elimination of Pension system provided for under Sect. 165.25 now Sec. 121,20, Florida Statutes, for elected officials who have served for a period of 20 or more years, by consolidating the same with Pension system provided by Ord. 1901. 5/1/74 Proposed ordinance as amended by Item A-1. Ordinance 74-1995 adopted, as amended, 5/1/74 amending Ord. 1901 to include elected officials as members of the Pension System. PENSION BOARD & SYSTEM 95 Meeting Date Group I Employees Retirement System 9/4/74 Election held Aug. 22, 1974 - Res. # 74-14473 adopted, accepting results and declaring Robert C. Simmons to be elected for a 3 yr term commencing 9/1/74. Council approved appointment of V. M. Meyerson 9/4/74 to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees of the General Employees Retirement System, replacing Mayor Rosen. City Employee Pension Plans - Councilman Dr. Haber's motion requesting the Brd of Trustees of the City's two pension plans, and the Budget Committee, to evaluate the 9/19/74